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How to DIY Bird Feeder Ideas? 10 Easy Ideas to DIY Bird Feeder.

There are bound to be a few hungry birds in your own backyard, whether it’s spring, summer, or fall. So, why not make them feel right at home by making them a handmade bird feeder? It will not only satisfy their appetite, but it will also brighten up your lawn. And there’s nothing better than knowing you’re assisting Mother Nature in her work.

So, pull out your glue gun, gather some bird-friendly nuts and seeds, and DIY your way to something lovely.

1.  How to Build a Wine Bottle Bird Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas elizabeth joan designs
© Elizabeth Joan Designs
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This DIY bird feeder is a little more difficult to make, but it will last longer than the previous two projects. Just be mindful of where you place it. Depending on where you place the feeder, you may attract unwanted visitors such as squirrels or rats.

2. How to Make Birdseed Ornaments

how-to-diy-bird-feeder-ideas the spruce
© The Spruce
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The beauty of this project is that the ornaments can be used as inexpensive decorations and gifts. This is also a fun DIY to do with kids. Experiment with different shapes and sizes to see what you can come up with. A pinecone can also be covered using a similar technique.

3. Simple Macrame Orange Bird Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas simple macrame orange bird feeder from blue corduroy
© Blue Corduroy
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This three-ingredient bird feeder adds an appealing design element as well as functionality to your yard. To attract orioles and mockingbirds, take the other half of the orange and hang slices at varying levels. Just make sure to throw away anything that hasn’t been eaten within a week or two.

4. How to Make a Teacup Bird Feeder

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This whimsical bird feeder is one of the simpler projects to make and a great way to repurpose vintage teacups that you would otherwise throw away. If you don’t have any, go to an antique shop or thrift store to find some.

5. DIY Sunflower Tower Bird Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas diy sunflower tower bird feeder from the garden roof coop
© The Garden Roof Coop
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This project looks and performs similarly to a typical tower feeder purchased in a store, but at a fraction of the cost. This bird feeder can help if you have a rodent problem because the mesh cloth prevents seed waste from falling on the ground.

6. DIY Wild Bird Suet Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas diy wild bird suet feeder from garden therapy
© Garden Therapy
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Suet is another word for rendered fat, and it is essential for birds to survive the long winter. This type of feeder attracts clingers such as woodpeckers, but any bird that is hungry and hasn’t migrated will be drawn to this ornamental feeder in the winter.

7. Mason Jar Bird Feeder

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Great bird feeder for farmhouse style to your yard with this mason jar with chicken feeder.

8. DIY Bird Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas diy bird feeder from 100 things 2 do
© 100 Things 2 Do
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This do-it-yourself project appears to be a birdhouse, but it’s actually a squirrel-resistant feeder.

9. DIY Grapevine Bird Feeder

how to diy bird feeder ideas diy grapevine bird feeder from rebeccas bird gardens
© Rebecca’s Bird Gardens
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This traditional-style bird feeder looks great as outdoor decor. Depending on how many birds you have in your yard, you may need to refill it frequently.

What can I use instead of a bird feeder?

Instead of using a bird feeder, you could try making a birdbath. All you need is a shallow bowl, some rocks, and a little water. You can put the bowl on the ground or on a pedestal, and the birds will be attracted to the water. The rocks will provide them with a place to perch, and they may also use the bowl as a bathing spot.

If you don’t have a lot of space, you could also try hanging a planter filled with bird-friendly plants. The plants will provide food and shelter for the birds, and they’ll also add some beauty to your yard. Whatever option you choose, providing food and shelter for birds is a great way to enjoy their company.

While most people think of Cheerios as a tasty breakfast cereal, it turns out that the oat-based cereal can also be good for wild birds. Cheerios are made up of simple carbohydrates and oils, which provide birds with the energy they need to fly and stay warm. In addition, the small size of Cheerios makes them easy for birds to eat. Some bird enthusiasts even recommend placing a bowl of Cheerios out in your backyard, as it can attract a variety of different species. Whether you’re a bird lover or just looking for a new way to enjoy your Cheerios, this cereal is definitely worth considering.

To make a bird feeder out of a Coke bottle, you will need the following materials: a clean 2L Coke bottle, a sharp knife, scissors, strong thread, a plastic straw, and birdseed.
First, use the knife to cut a large opening in the side of the Coke bottle. Next, use the scissors to cut two small holes near the top of the bottle. Thread a length of strong thread through one of the holes and tie it off.
Repeat this step with the second hole. Then, insert a plastic straw into the top of the bottle and fill it with birdseed. Finally, hang your bird feeder from a tree or fence using the thread. Now you can sit back and enjoy watching the birds!
To get started, simply cut a rectangle out of a sturdy piece of cardboard. Then, use a pencil to sketch a basic bird shape onto the cardboard. Once you’re happy with the design, use a sharp knife to cut out the bird shape. Next, make a small hole near the top of the bird feeder and thread a length of string through it. This will be used to hang the feeder. To finish, add some birdseed to the feeder and enjoy watching your feathered friends feast!

Wrapping Up

Bird feeders are beneficial to both parties, and they also make for an exciting DIY project. There are numerous bird feeders available for purchase, but going the handmade route allows you complete design control. So, if you’re stuck for ideas, you already know what you should do.