Throughout the year, there are numerous ways to save money on heating and cooling. Using ceiling fans is the simplest and most cost-effective option! When you adjust the correct ceiling fan direction for summer and winter, your body stays more comfortable, allowing you to use your HVAC system less and save energy.
What’s the Best Ceiling Fan Direction for Summer?
During the summer, setting your fan to rotate counterclockwise will make you feel cooler even if the temperature in your home does not change. Increased airflow directly downward can help with comfort and may even result in some energy savings if you use your air conditioner less.
Make sure your blades rotate counterclockwise (toward the left).
What’s the Best Ceiling Fan Direction for Winter?
Using your ceiling fan throughout the winter might help you feel warmer while also saving money on your energy bill. Interestingly, turning your fan clockwise sends warmer air near the ceiling downward, making you feel warmer. But don’t get too carried away—most experts recommend utilizing a low fan speed to avoid creating a wind-chill effect.
Make sure your blades rotate clockwise (toward the right).
How to Change Ceiling Fan Direction?
You must modify fan rotation for each season to establish ceiling fan direction for summer and winter. This is easily accomplished by using the switch on the motor casing of the ceiling fan.
Some ceiling fan models include a remote control that allows you to simply alter the rotation of the fan blades:
- On your fan remote, press the STOP button.
- Allow the fan blades to completely stop spinning.
- Press the REVERSE button to return to the previous screen.
- Restart the fan and check that the blades are spinning in the correct direction.
If your model does not include a remote that regulates fan blade direction, you can alter the direction of your ceiling fans by following these steps:
- Turn off the fan and wait for the fan blades to come to a complete stop.
- To reach the ceiling fan unit, use a step stool or ladder.
- Locate the direction switch on the motor casing of the fan.
- If the switch is vertically positioned, put it to the downward position for counterclockwise blade rotation and to the upward position for clockwise blade rotation.
- If the switch is horizontally positioned, place the switch to the left for counterclockwise blade rotation and the switch to the right for clockwise blade rotation.
- Climb down carefully and restart the fan.
- Check that the fan blades are rotating in the proper direction.
Is a Smart Ceiling Fan an Option?
A smart ceiling fan, essentially, connects your fan to your smartphone, allowing you to switch ceiling fan directions with the touch of a button in most circumstances. You can also program your fan to kick on when the temperature in your room reaches a specified level, saving you energy. A smart ceiling fan will cost more upfront, but it will save you money and time in the long run.
- Using a smartphone app, you can change directions.
- Set your fan to switch on based on the temperature of the room.
It is easy to choose the proper direction for your ceiling fan, which can help you feel more comfortable while saving money on heating and cooling costs.